
Back to School Tips: How to Deal With Peer Pressure

September 6, 2010

With the school year underway for most everyone, it means peer pressure at schol is back too! Our team wanted to share a few ideas for how you can deal with peer pressure and your friends. Check out their tips in this video.

How Do You Use Your Intuition?

August 30, 2010

Getting used to using your intuition is one of the most important things we can do. But, what does that mean, and how do we use it? Our team sat down to talk about how to make tough choices and decisions while using your intuition.

How to deal with big life changes

August 20, 2010

The start of a new school year brings big changes whether you are going to college, starting high school, making new friends, trying out for a new sport, or moving to a new school. These tips from our Girls With Dreams team will help you adjust.

Teens talk about peer pressure on Great Day St. Louis

August 17, 2010

Teen Bloggers from Girls With and teen expert Carrie Silver-Stock sat down with Carol Daniel of Great Day St. Louis-KMOV to talk about how to deal with peer pressure.

Judging other girls

August 16, 2010

Why do you think girls can be so mean to each other? Do you think girls judge each other too harshly? Are you too harsh on your friends or other girls? Find out what our team at Girls With thinks about friends and judging other girls.

Gives Me Hope

August 15, 2010

I was talking to one of my friends yesterday and I asked her what she was doing. She said she was reading GMH. I had no idea what that was, so she explained it to me.

If you know what FML is, Gives Me Hope ( is the same thing only for optimistics. Its a bunch of stories about little things that brightened someone’s day. GMH also has a couple related websites, such as LGMH which is for romantics, like me. It’s stories about love, such as couples who’ve been together for 60+ years, or how someone got asked out. As it says on the site, they’re stories that make you go awwww. There’s also six billion secrets. It’s a sight where you can post your inner most secrets annonymously.

Out of all these, I prefer LGMH. I’m such a romantic and I absolutely love all these stories. It gives me hope that one day, I’ll be able to find my soul mate. And thats the point of these sites; to give you hope.

Friendships Are Complicated: How to Find the Right Friends

August 10, 2010

Friendships can be complicated. How do you keep friends or even find the right friends? Find out what our team at Girls With Dreams thinks about finding the right friends.

Back to School Blitz: Take the Role!

August 5, 2010

Back to school: clubs, sports, academics. Where to start and where to end? Sometimes you have to pick and choose which activities are worth it in your schedule. You can’t take on everything you’ve offered… It’ll be too much stress. You shouldn’t necessary join every club you can.

It might be better to join a few clubs you really like (or might be interested in) and focus on getting further in those.

I strongly encourage everybody to go for a big role. Don’t be afraid to run for president of a club or try to be captain of a sports team.

Taking on big roles gives you experience. It gives you confidence, and people are always impressed to hear what you’ve done so far in your life. It’s great to put on a resume or mention in an interview for a job.

One thing I did this year was run for an officer position in a club at school, DECA. Three people were chosen to be officers, and I expected to share the workload with my fellow officers. Things came up, and some officers graduated earlier. The position of president kind of got thrown on me, unexpectedly. I didn’t ask for it nor want it, but I learned to lead people and organize events. Most of all, I gained experience doing something.

Experience will get you anywhere. Sometimes you’re going to be scared, but you have to step up. It’s worth it in the end. You can get all sorts of scholarships for leadership.

Take the role!

Back to School Blitz: Where to Go to Get Involved

August 5, 2010

There are so many places to get involved so you can meet new friends and help yourself feel good.

– Look at your school! Find clubs that you are interested in and see what they are doing, just because you go to a meeting doesn’t mean you have to commit. First see if it is something you are interested in.

– Look online!  Go to they have way you can volunteer and they have stories of what other kids do with their time.

– Get involved with a community group.  Find a local church or synagogue, volunteer at a food pantry, or join a youth group. 

– Create your own club! If you have a desire for something then start your own club! Maybe someone else likes it as much as you and can’t find a way to get involved either.

– Help Girls With Dreams! We have stuff you can do from home and you can be helping other girls out there!  Just send us an email at to find out more!

Back to School Blitz: How to Deal With Peer Pressure

August 2, 2010

As many of us are heading back to school whether it be middle school, high school, or college we all will have to deal with peer pressure. But the question is where will you stand when it’s happening? Will you be the one being peer pressured to smoke that cigarette? Take a drink of the alcohol? Or will you be the one doing the pressuring? Will you be joining in with everyone to make fun of someone and pressure them into something? Lets be honest…we all have been in both positions.

With this new school year starting up I challenge every teen girl to be supportive and stick up for what is right. Stick up for the girl who is being made fun of because she won’t cheat on her test. Stick up for the girl who is getting made fun of because she won’t drink or take it far with her boyfriend. We are all different and can make our own decisions, we don’t need others trying to force them upon us. So this school year, take a stand against peer pressure.

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