
How to Deal With Tragedy and Loss

July 30, 2010

This was a difficult week for the teen staff and advisors at Girls With Many of us lost a few people close to them. If you have experienced the loss of a good friend or family member, you know it can be difficult. Here are a few tips and ideas for how to cope.
Realize everyone grieves differently. Some people need to be by themselves, some people cry, some people talk, some people don’t talk.
Surround yourself with support. Even if you typically deal with things by yourself, it’s important not to isolate yourself all of the time. Make sure you surround yourself with people who lift you up. Some of your friends may not know what to say, but they’ll be there to listen.
Don’t be afraid to get counseling. Counseling is an important step in coping. Your school counselor can provide a list of referrals if you’re not sure where to start. If you’re family doesn’t have insurance, some services will provide help at a reduced rate. Some hospitals and community service agencies have free groups as well. Get a friend to go with you if it’s hard to take the first step.

How to Avoid Being Bored This Summer

June 10, 2010

footSchool’s out for the summer! I can’t believe it’s over, but now the fun is beginning. To be honest, I sleep until noon. I lay around all day, and it’s not really productive.

Waking up early will help make your summer more enjoyable.
Get up around 8, go for a morning jog, and then get your chores done like laundry and cleaning your room.

That’ll leave the day for you to go to work and make money.
The night will be all yours to go out with friends.  Here are a few fun things to try:
Go cosmic bowling, putt-putting, Go out for banana splits, Camp in your backyard, Have a chick flick movie night, Play flashlight tag, volleyball, or a have a bonfire.

There is plenty to do over summer, but don’t waste it WAITING for something to happen. Be safe and make the most of the days.

Drop the Technology

May 22, 2010

I’m sick of hearing, “I found out you and your boyfriend broke up through facebook.”

I am FED UP with technology. I know I’m not the only one in the world who feels like they’re on facebook 24/7. Logging in has become my biggest addiction, so I am now trying to give up facebook for a while. In fact, I’m going to try cutting back on technology in general.

I’m tired of being in class, texting in my purse: “Hey what’s up?” “Nothing, bored… you?” I’m tired of my friends looking down at their phones and texting as I’m trying to talk to them.

Technology has taken over my life! Although technology improves my life by helping me keep in touch with friend I can’t always talk to in person and stay informed with world events, I want to encourage everyone to cut back. Put down your phone and enjoy the summer sun. Hide it if you have to! It’s amazing how much I rely on my phone. I miss it even after a few hours!

Cutting back on technology will also improve your communication skills. Strike up an actual conversation with that person you’re texting in the row next to you. Go a week without facebook and ride your bike instead of watching The Hills all day. It’ll be worth it in the end.

Learn a New Language

May 22, 2010

One of the greatest things I’ve done during my high school career is studied Spanish. I progressed up to Spanish 4, and I wish I could have pursued the language even more. I’m fortunate enough to be Vietnamese, so I get the cultural experience in my daily life at home. I believe knowing Vietnamese and English helped me learn Spanish quickly.

I think it’s fun to learn a language, especially Spanish, French, or Italian. They’re romantic and it’s incredible to say that you can speak more than one language. When you get the chance, you can study abroad and learn more about the culture. You can practice your speaking skills!

A new language is something you can carry with you throughout your entire life, and it’s an impressive skill to have in the job industry.

If you want to start learning a new language, research which languages your school offers. You can check out books from the library, or complete tutorials online. Maybe you have a bilingual friend who can teach you a couple of words a day. I teach one of my friends one Vietnamese word a day, and it’s fun to hear him repeat the words later when I least expect it.

Broaden your horizons! A new language is a new opportunity.

Take the Time to Graduate

May 21, 2010

graduationThe other day I overheard people talking about how some students have either dropped out since freshmen year or won’t graduate because they don’t have enough credits. I know doing well in school doesn’t come naturally to some people. In fact, I have always worked hard and done my homework but have never been good at taking tests.

Now, I understand if you can’t get a 4.0 grade point average or a perfect ACT score, but graduating high school shouldn’t be something you give up on. Imagine missing out on earning your diploma. If you do your homework (which usually doesn’t take long) and study for tests, you’ll make good grades and still have time for your friends. Make the effort in school so you can graduate and get your diploma. These are two memories you’ll definitely want to add to the high school moments you’ll cherish for the rest of your life.

Final Thoughts From a Graduating Senior

May 20, 2010

I keep waiting for the nerves to hit me, but I’m sure it will creep up when I least expect it. After spending 13 years in this town, I’m about to leave home. Although I’m ready to graduate, I would live at my school forever if I could. I would be forever young, and my friends and I would never part.

These final days are flying by, one by one, and I feel indifferent. I wish I could be sad or mad or happy. I just feel nothing. The past four years of high school have had ups and downs. I’ve grown so much as a person. I’ve survived broken hearts, found best friends, lost best friends, stayed out all night, felt exhausted after completing an essay, and celebrated school spirit. I’ve been a SEN10R, a daughter, a girlfriend, a student, a best friend, a teacher assistant, a volleyball player, a DECA president, a class officer, a mentor, and now I will be a REDHAWK.

After graduation, I know I won’t talk to half of my best friends again. I just hope the next 10 days pass by slowly because I want to enjoy everything. I can’t believe graduation day is only a few days away!

Getting Ready to Graduate?

April 29, 2010

lisalaurie2Today I was sitting around and thinking and realized I still have so much to do before I graduate in 38 days. I began to feel really stressed out. Lucky I all ready have some things done but I still have a lot to do as well. I thought I would make a list for other seniors out there who might need help with preparing to graduate.

Here are some things seniors need to take care off! Now you don’t have to do all of these of course, just some usual things seniors do.

1. Apply for any last minute scholarships. It’s never to late to earn some money for college!

2. Hand in a final transcipt sheet to your guidance counselor so they can send it in to your college.

3. Get your senior pictures shot.

4. Hand out senior pictures.

5. Send out Graduation announcements and give ceremony tickets to your family.

6. If you’re a girl you might want to get a new outfit for graduation.

7. Plan your graduation party and send out invitations.

8. Go shopping for college/dorm supplies.

9. If you found out who your roomate is in college, get to know them a bit before you move in with them.

10. Last, enjoy summer and have fun with family and friends before you head off to college!

Would You Travel Around the World by Yourself?

April 27, 2010

We wanted to salute two amazing teens, Abby Sunderland and Jessica Watson, who are two teens, both attempting to sail around the world-solo!  In this article, the author explain the magnitude of this attempt.  “More than 3,000 people have successfully climbed Mt. Everest during the past 56 years. According to the American Sailing Assn., fewer than 250 people have sailed alone around the world since Joshua Slocum logged the first documented solo-circumnavigation in 1898.”  This is amazing!  Abby and Jessica rock!

A few days ago, Abby, who is just 16 years old, had to cut her trip short because of technical problems with her autopilot system.   Her courage, determination, and fearlessness are inspiring!  Have you ever had a dream like Abby’s?  Have you ever had a dream that seemed impossible but you held on to it and tried it anyways?

Girls With Dreams salutes Abby and Jessica for being such amazing examples of bravery and for following their dreams.  It will be exciting to hear more about their sailing adventures!

What’s your prom after party?

April 20, 2010

Two nights ago, I had my Senior prom. It was one of the best nights of my life. It lasted from 6-11. We danced, ate, and took pictures all night long. It was simply a great time. After prom, there’s always parties. There’s always something going on. It’s the stereotype that comes with prom night. There will be drinking, driving, and usually drunk driving. That’s why our school plans a pre-prom assembly each year to discourage drunk driving.

Let me remind you: I am eighteen. I have many friends who do drink. I have many who do not drink, and I am proud to be one of those few.  I am the type of person who can be around “social drinkers.” If someone wants to drink with friends to have a good time, and not to get away from their problems, then I will be more than happy to be their D.D. for the night.

We left prom at 11:30. My group was trying to find something to do. We ended up getting a hotel room. We went to IHOP to eat then we came back to the hotel. I was with a group of people who do usually drink. Instead, we played truth or dare, stayed up until 5 AM talking, and then we passed out. Honestly it was one of the best nights of my life. I couldn’t be more proud of my friends, because they had a great time without drinking. It was not anyone’s goal of the night. We had a great time, because we were making memories.

Oops, That was Embarrassing!

April 18, 2010

laughingLet’s face it. We all have embarrassing moments… between falling down stairs on accident, saying hi to someone who doesn’t see you or hugging someone who ended up not being the person you thought it was.

Here are some tips on what to do so you aren’t so embarrassed.

1. Laugh it off! Even if you’re no with a friend, just laugh about it then they will never know.

2. Pretend like you have the “I don’t care personality” if you act like it doesn’t bother you then people will think it doesn’t.

3. Start expanding your comfort zone. So things that make you a little uncomfortable like talk to a random stranger that way when you do something where you uncomfortable you know how you will respond.

4. Remember everyone has had an embarrassing moment! So it’s ok you’re not alone!

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