
Why I Want to Help Teen Girls

December 13, 2008

52012x3I’m so excited about this new book I’m writing called, Secrets Girls Keep. People often ask why I wrote The Powder Box Secrets or how I started Girls With Dreams. To put it simply, I know all of us have secrets, especially teenagers. So here’s a little bit more about why I want to help teen girls.

Our secrets help us, hurt us, and seem to be a rite of passage into our teen years and beyond. I think most teenage girls have secrets. Some cement friendships, others help us hide our true feelings or problems.

I don’t want to have to fake it anymore. I don’t want girls to hide their fears, pain or despair. I want us to be able to tell our truths, share our secrets, and give each other the strength and courage we need to be ourselves and follow our dreams. We take steps to reach our best life by opening up and sharing. Don’t we all want to put our best foot forward and embrace all the possibilities in a world that is creating more opportunities for girls and women?

After all, each of you are amazing, courageous, intelligent, unique, and beautiful! Can you accept that? Don’t let society brand you with one of its labels. We are all so much more than the popular girl, pretty girl, goth girl, religious girl, prep, jock, or nerd.

Everything we do at Girls With Dreams is about dropping the labels we’ve accepted for ourselves and given to others. It’s about celebrating being girls and sharing ideas and secrets that connect us all. I’m tired of accepting what our society tell us we need to do in order to be successful or liked. Those expectations are based on the premise that we’re never good enough and, even worse, that we must knock each other down to get to the top. It doesn’t need to be that way. I want to start a movement where girls push back the stereotypes, false labels, unrealistic expectations, and airbrushed images that surround us and shape us. I wanted to create a safe place where girls create and own their biggest dreams, a place where we can support each other, and a place where we take action in our own life and in the world around us.

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