
When Was Your Last Compliment?

July 24, 2009

One woman’s simple compliment was a great reminder to me of how far random acts of kindness and compliments can go. 

I had just spent over 8 hours in the car with two small children and was checking out some groceries.  The women checking us out started up a casual conversation and said we were so friendly.  I honestly felt so far from that and we told her we were all kind of tired.  She continued to comment on my braces, and had this huge smile and said, “I just love your braces.  I think they make you look so young” and …I don’t quite remember the rest, but her kind words went a long way that day.  Honestly, I’m pretty self conscious about having braces so for her to give that type of compliment, she had no idea how much it meant to me. 

More important, her compliment was a reminder of how I need to do more of this.  I don’t stop enough and tell people about the good I notice in them.  I saw how quickly you can make a difference and then it turns into a ripple effect.  I am going to try to pay more attention to this and give not only those close to me more compliments, but strangers too!  Will you join me?


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