
What is a GWD Friend Circle?

January 27, 2009

lisalaurieThe Girls With Dreams Friend Circle has arrived!

We are so excited to launch this new idea. The idea of a Friend Circle has been around for a long time, but we’re excited to let you know what it means to us! The concept is similar to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, but so much more!

Basically, a GWD Friend Circle is a group of 4 to 8 girls who have come together to support each other. You might all live in the same town, but you don’t have to. You can connect by phone, email or Web cam. As a group, you agree to meet once a month. You give each person time to talk and share what’s new with her, and then share ideas about how the group might help. You also plan fun things to do together. Part of your plan might be to reach out to others in the community.

Don’t worry, though! We’re going to take you through this step-by-step process and help you create your own GWD Friends Circle! Once your circle is up and running, we’d love to hear from you! We’re going to be posting videos, tips, and ideas from girls just like you. We want you all to share what types of things you’re learning and doing together in your circles.

Why is this so important?

If you’ve ever felt alone…

If you’ve ever felt you don’t measure up…

If you’ve ever believed you couldn’t do something….

We need each other to succeed! Our Friend Circles can get us through tough times, be a place for us to laugh, cry, support each other, and have a good time! Our Friend Circles can help us all live our BIG DREAMS!


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