
Too Much Dating Violence

January 15, 2009

A recent article in the New York Times, A Rise in Efforts to Spot Abuse in Youth Dating, really grabbed my attention. It confirmed so much of what I’m seeing and hearing from young people. Violence in dating relationships happens way too much! Statistics confirm that at least 1 in 10 girls has been in a violent relationship. However, with cell phones and email, many experts agree that harassment through these channels has increased.

Even though more school districts, parents, and individuals are improving programs and talking about dating violence, we need to do more!

When I recently asked girls for stories for my new book, Secrets Girls Keep, too many confirmed my deepest fears. Too many stories were about how girls had been mistreated in their relationships. Many had tragic results, but not as tragic as Heather Norris who actually lost her life to her boyfriend. Many of the girls I talked to are healing and have learned how to turn a bad situation into something they can learn and grow from.

If you or a friend is in a violent relationship, you are not alone! Please reach out for help at the National Teen Dating Abuse Helpline.

We at Girls With Dreams are committed to helping girls learn how to be more courageous and confident and to have healthy self esteem. Watch for our blog post series on knowing the signs of dating violence and more ideas on what you can do about it!


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