
This Advice Could Save Your Life

April 17, 2009

Oprah recently aired a show about the dangers of being online. It was a segment that every teenager needs to watch. The experiences shared could happen to anyone. No one is safe, not even the girls who look like they have it all together, make good grades, and have good manners.

Oprah shared stories of teen girls who had been lured into dangerous situations by online sexual predators. The show was hard to watch. As hard as it might be, I encourage you to hear the girls talk about their experiences and listen to their advice. Sadly, not all the girls are still here to share their stories in person. Kristin’s mom shared her tragic story that ended in suicide.

Here are a few must-know tips for any teen online:

  1. Remember, these experiences can happen to anyone.
  2. You never know who you are really talking to online. That new girl that just moved into town or that cute guy might actually be an older man or teens playing a prank. Be sure you know who you’re really talking to when you’re online.
  3. Be on guard for people behaving too nicely online. This is tricky. Of course there are good people online, but sexual predators have mastered how to be seemingly kind in order to lure their victims. Girls who shared their stories said the men would say things like, “You are so intelligent. You are so beautiful. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I love you”. It was so easy for young teens to fall for their kind words and sweet talk. This is often called ‘grooming’. Alicia, who was kidnapped and held as a sex slave, said her abductor talked to her while they were becoming friends. If she got into a fight with her mom, he said things such as, “You don’t deserve that, you’re so independent and grown up.” If she got a bad grade, he said encouraging things. The point is, he was purposely trying to seduce and befriend her in a very tricky and sneaky way, building her trust over time.
  4. Never agree to meet anyone you’ve talked to online. Even if you think you are best friends and completely trust or adore this person. You never know what that person is really like or who that person is. Girls on Oprah’s show yesterday were victimized and raped after meeting their online friends.
  5. Are you keeping something secret? If you’re not talking to anyone about this relationship or you’re hiding it from your parents, you could be in over your head.
  6. Watch out for your friends. If one of your friends is engaging in any of these dangerous behaviors and won’t stop, you need to get an adult to help. It might feel like you are betraying your friend, but you could save her life.
  7. Help me spread the word. These are tips that should be taught in every school and talked about in every home with a computer. Please forward this information to anyone you care about. You might just save your friends life!
  8. Keep other kids safe by making sure the John Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act stays in effect. Find out more here about how your simple email can make a huge difference.


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