
The Power You Have to Give BIG!

December 20, 2010

power-of-halfIf you’re looking for an inspiring book to read this December, I’d love to share with you a book written by a young girl and her dad.  It’s called The Power of Half:  One Family’s Decision to Stop Taking and Start Giving Back by Kevin and Hannah Salwen.

The Salwen family’s journey into giving began after their 14 year old daughter Hannah saw a homeless man on one side of the street and a man driving a Mercedes on the other.  She thought, “Dad, if that man had a less nice car, that man there could have a meal.”.    None of the Salwen’s could’ve predicted what happened next.   Thru a series of events and activities they decided to sell their home and move into a home half the size.  They then took the money from the house sale and looked for a cause to make a difference with.

Throughout this entire book, Hannah and her dad share simple ways each of us can get outside of ourselves and look for more ways to give.  So often, teens think, can one person really make a difference?  Yes, you can!  Here are a few of the simple activities Hannah shared.

-Think about a person from your community who inspires you.  Think about your strengths in the same light.  We all have gifts to share, so how can you start sharing yours?

-What Can You Give Away?  Very simply, think about your time, your treasures, and your talents.  What are you willing to give.  You might turn this into a game and have each family member write what they see about you.  Then, you can choose one card and act on it.

-You must believe you can make a difference.  Hannah talked about Rosa Parks and how she had no idea the reach of her impact in 1955, “I didn’t have any idea just what my actions would bring about” Rosa Parks.

-Experience the life of others.  Have you ever thought about what it might like to be hungry?  Or, to live on food stamps?  Or, to walk to get all of your water?  You might try experiencing life the way others do by participating in the 30 hour famine, or the poverty-food stamp challenge, or turn your water off and use your neighbors water that is at least 3 blocks away.  

-Ask yourself how you can inspire others to join you in your efforts.  A young woman by the name of Kristin Walter started the Feel Good Grilled Cheese comapny that is now on 21 campuses to help address hunger.  Marin Wright Edelman says,  “We must not in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily differences we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee” .

This book will inspire you to find little and big ways you can give to those around you.  We’d love to hear what you’re up to or how you’ve been inspired by the Power of Half!



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