
The GWD Summer Swimsuit Challenge is Back

May 27, 2010

Last year, we launched the Girls With Dreams Summer Swimsuit Challenge and we liked it so much, we wanted to bring it back this year. The purpose of the challenge is to reject negative fat talk, whether it’s putting ourselves down or talking about other girls. Listen to how it got started and read more about the challenge below!

Every girl, no matter what shape or size, deserves to be confident in her own skin. Here are a few more tips to help you stop second-guessing yourself when you look in the mirror:

-Try to achieve and maintain a healthy weight, not an unrealistic one. Make sure you’re having a healthy mix of fruits and veggies, whole grains, protein, and water. Try to cut back on or eliminate soda as much as possible.
-Look for fun ways to exercise with your friends, such as walking, swimming, or dancing.
-Watch out for negative self-talk. Girls With Dreams has started a Summer Self-Esteem Challenge. We ‘d love for you to join us!
-Be practical. Find a swimsuit that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Just because everyone else is wearing a bikini or some other style doesn’t mean you have to do the same. When you feel good about what you’re wearing, your beauty will shine through.
-Think about when you’ve been proud about your confidence. Remember those times and use them to help pick yourself up when you start feeling down.
-Have other confidence and self-esteem boosting ideas for teens? We’d love to hear them! Send your ideas to or post them on our fan page!


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