
Summer is Near!

April 18, 2008

palm-treesI know that everyone is probably stressing out right now about the academic crunch that is fast approaching. I know that I am trying to cram everything in before finals get here. Most of us still have a little more than a month before school lets out for the summer, and the teachers are piling the work on. Even though the workload is getting insane, just keep your head on straight. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that you get enough sleep! Napping is a great way to recharge on a long or stressful day.
  • I like to make sure I take breaks after I have spent about an hour studying. Even just going for a quick walk around your house or neighborhood can work.
  • Remember to keep up with organization as well. Keep all of your notes in one place, per subject. Plan ahead to study at a certain time and follow through. Make sure you have a quiet place to study as well. If you need soft music, then have it ready; but I know I get very distracted by the TV.

And remember, summer is almost here… We can make it!


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