
Summer Challenge!

June 17, 2008

I’ve realized that I haven’t written anything in quite some time. Now that my school commitments have come to a close, its time to do some serious writing.

I wanted to tell you all about my upcoming plans for my first year in college. I’m really excited about it because I’ve realized that the best thing to do is GET INVOLVED. Its only June, but I’ve already gotten involved with my school. That’s gotta be good, right? So here’s what happened: I had registration day. Although you might think it would be extremely chaotic and stressful, it really wasn’t. I listened to a few presentations, then decided on my first set of classes in college EVER! I met a woman who was carrying around my file, and she said I’d be perfect for a leadership “intro to college” program that they call “Pathways.” Basically, it is a group of 16 freshman that live in the same dorm on the same hall and take 3 classes together to get to know each other. The courses are Critical Thinking, University 101, and a freshman seminar. I’ve also been working on finding a job around campus and getting ready to do my work study program.

One of the classes that sounds particularly intriguing, is “Deal or No Deal”. Although, this class is not like the TV show, it’s the ultimate challenge. The course has no topic whatsoever. The students make a proposal and then decide as a class what we want to accomplish during the semester. So, as I work on MY proposal for this class, I want to challenge all of you as well.

Here’s the challenge:
What can you do to make yourself a leader at your school or community? There are so many possibilities. Be creative, spontaneous, and have fun! Get yourself out there and make your voice heard. Girls, this is our time to shine and no one can keep you from achieving your highest potential. We all have something to offer this world, so lets get out there and share it!

Get involved. Make new friends. Show ’em what you’ve got!

Do me a wonderful favor, comment below and let me know what you’re doing! I’ll keep you updated on what’s going on with me too!

Also, make a summer goal for how much you want to accomplish in these few short months. Pick something risky and fun. You won’t regret it, I promise!


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