
Sexting, Flirting, and Teens

February 16, 2009

Recent headlines about self made kiddie porn and teen online flirting remind us of the rise of “sexting” and other forms of cyber world dangers. The movie American Teen shows how quickly one topless photo can spread from one person to an entire school. I am curious. Has this happened in most high schools? Do most teens know someone who has sent some type of pornographic photo? The bigger question is why is this happening and what are we going to do about it? Some polls suggest boys have put pressure on girls to do it or that girls are trying to seduce or impress a guy. What do you think?  

Whatever you think about this issue, use these tips to stay safe: 

  • Think before you click. As soon as you send a photo or message, it no longer belongs to you and anyone can see it. Would it be okay for your parents, principal, or entire school to see what you sent? You can’t take it back once you send it.
  • Feeling pressure? If someone is pressuring you to do something you are not comfortable with, you don’t have to give in. Although it might sound impossible at the time, your self-respect and integriy will get you through the toughest of times. This would be a good time to reach out to friends you trust or even find an adult you can talk to.
  • Think twice before you forward. If you receive a pornographic pic, think about the person on the other end of that picture. How would you feel if something like this was being sent about you? You might even want to think about the legal implications of your actions. States are changing laws to include online forms of pornography, and you might be charged with a crime by sending material.
  • Girls need to stick together. Most importantly, we need to stick together as girls and help each other out. If one of your friends is thinking about compromising her self-respect, talk to her about it and be a good friend. Similarly, if you get a picture of a topless girl, think twice before you send it to your friends. If you decide to send, you are a part of the problem. We all need to help each other learn how to love and respect ourselves. I’m not saying it’s easy, but I know we can do it!



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