
Secret Tips Day 2

July 29, 2008

lisameghanIt was another great day with eight amazing students! Today we focused on our strengths, friends and mentors. I”ll share a few tips and ideas you can use as you follow along with us.

It’s really important to know yourself. Write down a list of 10 things you are good at. If you get stuck, ask your friends and people close to you. Another great tool can be found at It costs money, but it’s well worth it!

Choose the right friends! We had a great discussion about friends and how tricky it can be when friends change or start having new interests. The most important advice the girls shared with each other is to be yourself and tell your friends exactly how you feel. You might become better friends or decide to go down separate paths. Either way, you’ll still stay true to yourself, which is so important!

Mentors are key! Everyone in our group has a person they can go to! For some it was a parent, others an aunt or a close friend. If you don’t have someone to look up to, find one. We also looked beyond people we know and did research on the computer. If you have a dream to become an actress or a veternarian or a lawyer, look for people, resources and organizations in your area of interest. This can be a different type of mentorship that can help you reach your dreams.

Stay tuned for more tips!


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