
School Tips: How to Stay Organized

September 7, 2009

How well do you keep yourself organized?  Can you find every asasignment or are you turning things in late because you forgot to bring it with you to school?  What does your locker look like?  Are you afraid opening it might make books fall on your head or is everythin lined up?  Wherever you are with your organization, you’ll love these tips to help you stay organized at school.

  1. Check out our latest Girls With Dreams on Staying Organized.  
  2. Ask yourself, where are you most organized?  Is is your room?  Your clothes?  Your assignments?   How have you been able to make that work?
  3. Get a planner or calendar and write in it!  Seriously, you need to use it.  Make sure you jot down any activities but also assignments.  If you have a long term project, you might want to write down what tasks you plan to complete each week.
  4. Put everything away in the same place.  Find a place for your books, backpack, keys, etc.. that is always the same.  Then, it’s impossible to lose!
  5. If you are on the more messy side, pick one day a week to re-organize and clean up!
  6. Do you have a really organized friend?  Ask her for tips too!


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