
Quickie Quiz to Take Your School Year from Good to Great

September 4, 2009

 Wherever you are in your school year when you read this, it’s never too late to turn it from Good to Great!  It’s helpful to look at your whole life in relationship to school, not just pick it apart by what subjects you are studying. 

  Here’s a little quiz you can give yourself.  Take a look at the following headings and rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 10 on how well you are doing in each area.  Celebrate your highest score!  Ask yourself how you have been able to have success in that area.  Now, pick one area you want to improve.  Let’s say you scored a 6 on School.  Ask yourself what it would take to move that 6 to a 7.  Remember you don’t have to do this alone.  You might need to talk to your parents, guidance counselor, teacher, or other mentor to make the best plan for you!

Self:  Are you getting enough sleep?  Are you exercising?  Are you generally happy?  Do you eat healthy?

School:  How pleased are you with your grades?  Are you working too hard?  Are you slacking off?

Friends: How well do you get along with your friends?  Do they pick you up or put you down?  How do you handle peer pressure?

Boys: Do you have any guys who are just friends? How do you feel about dating?  Do you feel awkward around boys or comfortable?

Family: Are you getting along with your parents?  What about your brothers and sisters?  Do you wish you had more family time or less?

Activities:  How busy are you?  Do you like all the activities you participate in?  Is it too much?  Or, are there  new activities you want to try?


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