
Prize Giveaways Announced for Slumber Party

September 29, 2009

Girls With Dreams is hosting the World’s Largest Slumber Party on Saturday November 14th, uniting teens virtually all over the world.

Slumber Party Participants who go to the Girl With Dreams home page during the event and sign up, will be eligible to win these grest prizes:

-3 pack of sweetriot chocolate donated by  

-Cool ear buds donated by

-Cool animal print picture frame and matching fuzzy mirror donated by

-Fun pink photo album donated by

-Itunes gift card donated by the team

-Fun nail spa pack donated by the team

-A copy of the new book, Secrets Girls Keep: What Girls Hide (& Why) and How to Break the Stress of Silence

-a Teen Room Makeover donated by

-Purple picture frame, candles, and photo calendar donated by Girls With Dreams


Wanna know how you can WIN and JOIN US?

It’s so easy!   Grab your girlfriends and join us from the comfort of your own home!  Streaming live from Slumber Party headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri and with teen slumber party captains in each state, the party will include celebrity interviews, DIY spas, a dance party, a teen room makeover contest, movie marathon and much more!  Participants will also donate pajamas to The Pajama Program, an organization that provides new, warm PJ’s to children worldwide.

Make sure you join up with Slumber Party Headquarters and other teens on Facebook.  If you want to join us in contributing to the Pajama Program, you can donate here.


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