
New Challenges

July 22, 2009

When I began High School I wasn’t really involved in much around school. I have never been good at sports so I started trying to get involved in the clubs. Which clubs were fun but they never really challenged me like I wanted. I was really looking for something I could get involved in and later in High School be an expert and leader in. Luckily I found something I really loved. My sophomore year I joined my school’s newspaper and became an editor my junior year.  And now my senior year I have earned the position as Editor-in-Chief of my newspaper. When I look back I never imagined myself having this huge job but it’s one of the most exciting things I have ever had the chance to do. I am scared but really looking forward to this year. There is so many things I could be worrying about going wrong but instead I am trying to look forward to all the good things to come. I know it will be a hard job and a huge challenge for me but I am trying to believe in myself so I can do the best I can.  When challenges come our way instead of turning them down because we are scared we should take them on.  Being Editor-in-Chief will be a really good experience for me and I think that it could really help me later in my life and the careers I have in mind.


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