
Miranda’s Book Review of The Burn Journals

August 5, 2009

A book review by Miranda:

I have recently finished reading “The Burn Journals” by Brent Runyon. It was wonderful, though at times a hard read due to the graphic details of some scenes. Over all, the book was fascinating. It was both painful and enlightening. “The Burn Journals” is a real life account of the author who attempted suicide by soaking his bathrobe with gasoline, and burning himself alive. An interesting point through out the book is: not once through out the entire story was Mr. Runyon able to describe the exact reason for his attempted suicide.

I recommend this book to every teen who finds themselves stuck in depression. There is help out there, if only you ask. The book has made it to college’s “Top 20’s Most Recommended” list. The story inspired me personally, calling me to reach out to other teens who may be feeling similar to Mr. Runyon.

Life is the most precious thing we can possibly possess and there is no excuse for intentionally ending it. By allowing yourself to commit such an act you are taking your power, your life, and handing it to the person or thing your trying to escape. You might as well be saying, “Here. Tell me how to feel about myself.” There is always hope, and always someone willing to help. Just ask. You can call the Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or visit for more specific information about depression and suicide.


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