
Make Summer More Exciting

June 30, 2009

lisa-bubbleHere are 10 fun things to do this summer. At less than 10 dollars each, you don’t have to worry about breaking the bank.

1. Go to a local pool. Submission to many pools is only 4 to 5 dollars. Pack a lunch and go early so you really get your money’s worth. If food’s not allowed, bring a cooler to keep in your car. It should keep fresh as long as it doesn’t sit too long.

2. Make your own set of washers. It’s the perfect game for hanging out in the yard.

3. Head to the mini-golf course. One game is usually about 7 dollars. If it’s too hot out, check online to see if there’s an indoor course nearby. Challenge your friends to see who can get the lowest score.

4. Have a picnic at the park. You and your friends can each bring something to munch on. Pack a frisbee and a bunch of board games, and you’re all set!

5. Have a water ballon fight. Nothing says “fun” like water balloons! Even filling them up is a blast.

6. Have a girls’ night. It’s easy to bond when you’re just hanging out or making a snack together. It’s important to take time out of your busy lives to laugh.

7. Use the sprinkler. Running across the sprinkler makes you feel like a kid again. Alternate trips to the sprinkler with sunning on the lawn so you can work on your tan at the same time (remembering to use sunscreen, of course.)

8. Host a movie marathon. Have each girl grab their top movie pick, make some popcorn and find a comfortable spot. You could even pick movies in the same category, such as comedy, or have everyone dress up as their favorite character from one of the movies.

9. Be sporty. Many parks have soccer or football fields, sand volleyball or basketball courses, or hiking trails. There’s no pressure to be a super athlete, so you can just have a great time goofing around with your friends.

10. Window shop. Just because you’re out shopping doesn’t mean you have to buy anything. Don’t bring any money and you won’t be tempted to buy anything. If you’re willing to part with a few bucks, try shopping for antiques. Not only is it fun to see all of the merchandise, but you might come across an affordable item with a lot of character.

Want more great ideas about having fun this summer with your friends? Watch Molly and Sarah share more tips, or read these tips.


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