
Juggling School and Work

September 15, 2008

I’m finishing my last year at Texas Tech University. I’m thinking… my last year? Where did the last three years go? I learned and matured a lot during those times. Considering how things have turned out for me, I wouldn’t ever go back and change a thing. I have enjoyed life and am grateful for everything that has made me the mature person I am today, good or bad.

A lot of young girls go through similar stages that help them arrive at a mature point in life. But how do you know when you’ve made it? I asked myself the same question. I am taking 17 hours this semester and still working at least 33 hours a week. I just moved back to Texas to finish my last year, and let me tell you, it’s going to be a challenge! As long as we women set goals, however, we will reach them.

It helps to be aware of the hard work that’s necessary to reach your goal. Learn to accomplish situations and classes one step at a time. Break down your goal into small pieces by making two lists, one called “Life Goals” and one called “To-Do”. The list of life goals will help you remember everything you’re working for and the to-do list will help you figure out how to reach your goals and make them seem more attainable. I’ve been doing this for about a year. Every time I finish something on my “To-Do” list, I check off my accomplishment and move on to the next one.

Juggling work and school can be a challenge, but sometimes we need a little challenge in our lives. It only makes us stronger in the end.


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