
How to Not Crack Under Peer Pressure

February 10, 2010

I’m sure there’s going to be a time when someone wants you to do something you don’t want to, here are some suggestions on how to avoid it.  Whether it’s at school, with friends, or maybe even at prom

1. Don’t hang out with people who are going to make you do things you don’t want to, but if you do, at least have another friend there that you know will always have your back.

2. If they ask you to do something in advance tell them you will think about it, or you might already have plans so you will have to check, that way you’re not locking yourself into anything.

3. Let them know whats up. You can say something like “hey sorry but that’s not my thing”.

4. Make suggestions to do something else.

5. Come up with some kind of  “code” with your parents, so if you are in some uncomfortable position they can call you or you can call them and say you have to go home.

6.  Watch the advice video we made about how to deal with peer pressure at prom.

Hopefully you are never in a position you don’t want to be, but if you are be prepared to know how to handle it.


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