
How To Measure Success

September 10, 2009

Guest blogger, Ria Sharon, the Practical Mommy shares her tips on How to Measure Success.

Success is an elusive idea. Throughout our lives, we are trained to look to some external measure of success, whether it be a glowing report card or a college/post-graduate degree, a great performance review, or a big fat end-of-the-year bonus. During my career, I felt relatively secure of my success based on ongoing feedback from my superiors. The mere fact that I had a job, that someone was willing to pay me x amount, provided me some objective measure of my value. Well, when I chose to stay home with the kids, I pretty much kissed all of that goodbye.

Now what? In the years I spent as a full-time stay-at-home-mom, I was swirling with doubt and confusion about whether or not I was any good at it. I mean, do they even have a job description for this thing that I do 24/7/365? When is my next raise and for the love of… when is my next vacation???

At the time, I felt like I was all alone (of course, that is never the truth!) As a confirmation that this feeling overwhelms many, many moms, I discovered this video featuring Michelle Scheumann as she discusses the Hot Mommas Project with its founder, Kathy Korman Frey. Michelle shares her frustration about the lack of appreciation and validation that comes with the territory of being the “home entrepreneur” or Chief Household Officer (as I was called). She also talks about how important it is to do something for herself, that utilizes her life experience and unique gifts.

Do you see a pattern here, my dear Mommies? Hmmm… do something for yourselfdo something you lovefind your personal calling! I can only speak for myself, of course… but without that crucial element of A Passion in your life, it will always seem unbalanced. People who have known me over the years have commented that since I’ve made a commitment to living with purpose, I am a different person. A good friend told me just recently, “You will be so much more successful now. Whatever success means to you.” :)

Or if you recall the song from Rent… c’mon, sing it with me! 525,600 minutes…. How do you measure a year? How about love? Measure in love.

As an aside, the Hot Mommas Project is a wonderful initiative, producing real life case studies of women balancing personal and professional lives to help model success for young girls. Read more about it on the website and thank you Kathy, for the nomination.


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