
Break the Ice by Being Nice

March 28, 2008

Our teenage years are full of great changes, including changes in friendships. Sometimes we need to make new friends and it might feel impossible, but it’s not.

Start by giving someone a sincere compliment. It’s a great way to start a conversation and might lead to a new friendship.

Get involved in a new activity. As scary as this sounds, it’s a great way to expand your social cirlce and meet new people. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re not as good at something as others might be. People love to help, and this can be another great way to get to know people.

Here’s one final tip that appeared in “The Powder Box Secrets”:
“Making friends was always very difficult for me, especially girlfriends. I never got the ‘secret signals’ they gave each other and was excluded a lot. Now I’ve learned a little about how to do it successfully. First, I think the best strategy to get people to like you is to make them laugh and to help them out in little ways instead of just telling them about your endless problems. In turn, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much people will come to care about you and support you in your time of need.”
-Katie, 17


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