
Friends + Dreams + Action

July 10, 2008

n15900106_35260478_3949A lot of girls ask me why I started Girls With Dreams. In a nutshell, it comes down to 3 things: Friends + Dreams + Action. That is why we’re here. Let me explain a little more.

Friends: Our space is the best place to be yourself, meet other girls, realize you’re not alone in the issues that you face, and learn that we don’t need to compete with one another. We can accomplish so much more when we work together instead of put each other down!

Dreams: Our space is the best place to dream bigger, explore new interests, and find the tools to deal with the everyday stuff (peer pressure, friend problems, etc.) that gets in the way of living your best life.

Action: Get excited about taking action in your life and the world around you! It’s not always easy to take a stand for yourself and do things the way you want to, but that’s why we’re here! The other part of action is learning that we grow so much by giving, whether it’s reaching out to the girl who dropped her lunch or sending money to build schools in Africa. It’s all about getting outside of ourselves.

So do you think you could use more friends, dreams, or action in your life? We’re glad you stopped by and hope you’ll stay around, let us know what you think and tell your friends about us! If you really like us, contact us at about all the ways you can get involved!


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