
School Stress: Don’t Get Caught Up

August 21, 2008

carnivalSchool has started for most people, and I know how overwhelming school can be. I’m an editor for Student Life and yearbook, I participate on Student Council, Knights of Excellence, and I’m also a class delegate and a mentor. Believe it or not, I still want to take on more activities!

I wanted to share the importance of taking time out for your family, friends and most importantly, yourself. People always stress the importance of getting involved in school because it will help you in college. Don’t get me wrong, I think obviously think being involved is good. I’m just saying that you can succeed in high school and get into an awesome college without taking on a million of activities.

Your family and friends are the ones that help you take a break when you need one, and remember that it’s okay to ask for help or support when you need it. So just take time each week to be with your family and friends. Also, don’t forget to treat yourself for the hard work you do.


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