
Don’t Forget Your Girlfriends.

March 13, 2008

n15900106_39678274_8338When we start dating, it’s easy to forget to make time for our girlfriends. Remembering is important for so many reasons.

For starters, it gives you balance and perspective to hang out with people in addition to your boyfriend.

Second, you don’t know how long that guy is going to be around. If you only spend time with him, your friends may feel left out and may not want to take you back as a friend if you and your boyfriend break up.


One Response to “Don’t Forget Your Girlfriends.”

  1. Stevie on April 3rd, 2008 12:20 am

    My dad always tells me that. Boys will come and go, but your girls will be there for you forever, and it’s so true. I know so many people who get caught up and forget about the ones who were there for them first and who always will be. If you have a friend like that, try not to give up on them. I know it’s hard, but they’ll realize who is the most important to them one day.

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