
Who Needs a Boyfriend, Anyway?

March 11, 2008

3friendsWhy do we buy into the idea that if we don’t have a boyfriend we’re not any good? Sometimes we’re so desperate to have a boyfriend we will accept anyone, even when he puts us down or has nothing in common with us. Why is there always so much pressure to have a boyfriend? Is our value really determined by who we date?

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One Response to “Who Needs a Boyfriend, Anyway?”

  1. kateg on July 1st, 2008 2:38 pm

    I went through high school without ever having a boyfriend and I wouldn’t be the independent person I am today if I had had one. Of course I wanted one at the time, but I feel like my personality would have been shaped by that other person to a certain degree.

    Settling for anyone just because you want a boyfriend or because all of your friends have one is never a good idea. When it’s meant to happen, it will happen. Allowing it to happen naturally will also make you a better person for whoever you end up with.

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