
The “L” Word

July 21, 2009

rosesI’ve always had more serious relationships (with a few week-long ones thrown in of course). Half of the boyfriends I’ve had have said the scariest and happiest word you can say in a relationship- the “L” word. Saying “I Love You” is a big step in a relationship. In a way it’s committing yourself to the other person at a deeper level.

Here’s my problem with the “L” word. Some people throw it around too easily, and some dont use it enough. There’s a very fine line with it. I say I Love You to my friends all the time without a second thought. But when it comes to boyfriends, I’m scared that it will push them away. I’m not one to say that just because you’re young that means you can’t love someone. Something I’ve learned with my dating experiences is that there’s a difference between loving someone and being in love. I know that I have loved someone. Was I in love? Well if the answer was yes, I wouldn’t be single right now.

Saying “I Love You” shouldn’t just happen though. If you’re going to do it, make sure you mean it. The worst situation to be in is saying that to each other just because you’ve been together for a long time. So here’s my “Saying I Love You” pointers.

These are just things to think about if you want to say the “L” word to your boyfriend…

– When you’re really upset about something, is he the first person you want to talk to about it?

– When you spend time together, is it truly quality time? Or is it just a way to waste free time?

– When you talk about him, do you talk about how hot he is, or his personality?

– Does he make you feel like a good person, or are you always self-conscious around him?

– Do you get along with his friends? Does he get along with your friends?

– Finally, has anyone else made you feel like he does?

This is only my point of view. Love is so controversial that I”m not asking you to agree with me, I just want you to think about it.


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