
Help! We Both Like the Same Guy!

October 13, 2008

This weekend, one of our Girls With Dreams members asked us for some dating advice. She liked the same guy as her best friend and wanted to know how to handle the situation. This is a common problem! Here are a few tips to help you out if you’re ever faced with the same dilemma:

Your friendship is always the most important. Boys come and go, so think about how your friends have always been there for you.

Think about how you would feel if you were the other person. What are you going to do if this boy asks you out and not your friend? What if you are the friend that doesn’t get asked out?

Keep communication lines open. Talk about how each of you feel and don’t let competition or jealousy get the best of you. Both of you have beauty and grace, so use those attributes when deciding how you’re going work through the situation. Would either of you be okay if one of you was dating this guy and the other wasn’t?

Look for ways to build each other up. Remember that your value isn’t determined by whether or not this guy likes either of you.

We hope that helps! For more dating advice for teens or if you want to make a comment or ask another question, please contact us at


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