
Dating Advice for Teens: Don’t Let Guys Change You

October 12, 2009

jackieWe have so many pressures to be perfect from everything around us. The two biggest ones? Media and boys. Why do girls dress inappropriately? To impress guys. They feel that if they don’t wear revealing clothing and act a certain way, then guys will never like them. Well I have news for you. If a guy only wants you because of what you look like, DITCH HIM!

I see it every day. Two people start going out, but they only like each other for looks, and not for who they are. That can never last. I’m not saying you should be looking for a husband right now, but that shouldn’t stop you from having a boyfriend who appreciates you as a human being. Ideally, a guy should like the fact that you DON’T dress or act in a “slutty” way, because that means he knows you’re not trying to get the attention of every other guy on the planet while you’re with him.

Guys don’t only effect how girls dress, though. This goes back to the blog about enforcing your boundaries (you should read that!). If he’s urging you to do something you’re not comfortable with, DON’T DO IT. Remember when you were little and you had to practice how to say “no” to strangers? Well the same thing applies here. Don’t do anything you’re not ready for. Don’t be afraid to say no!

I have other news for you too. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! I know you hear it from your parents all the time,  but believe it or not, you ARE! I’m not just talking about how you look. You have to be truly confident  inside and out that you are a beautiful and strong young woman who is ready  to take on the world(even if you’re only ready to take on 5th hour). Other people, guys included, will see you glowing with confidence and admire you for that.

Think about some people at school. Who do  you think more of? The girl who only worries that her hair and make up is perfect, with skin tight clothes and the designer bags, and always seems to be frowning? Or the girl who can walk into school with sweatpants and a tshirt on, hair thrown up in a ponytail and a smile on her face, ready for the day? Just think about that for a minute. Now, which one would you rather be?

When you’re done reading this, I want you to do me a favor. It will only take you a minute. Walk to you’re nearest mirror. Stare at yourself for a minute, and tell yourself that you are beautiful, confident, collected, and that you only deserve the best of the best. Because it’s all true!

Do this every once in awhile. I know it sounds weird, but it helps. I do it all the time when I’m getting down on myself!

So remember this:

  • Be Confident!
  • Be Yourself!
  • Don’t settle for a guy who only likes what you look like!
  • KNOW that you are BEAUTIIFUL and you deserve the best that life has to offer!


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