
Can You Really Be You?

August 20, 2009

If you’ve ever seen the show “10 Things I Hate About You” you know that Bianca is obsessed with trying to become popular. You know that Kat, her sister, could care less about what other people think of her. If we could all choose who we want to be like, we’d probably choose Kat, because she’s fine with the way she is, and doesn’t care what other people think. However, I think most people would truthfully identify themselves with Bianca, even though they don’t want to admit it.

But why? Why do we care what other’s think of us? Do we really need their approval? If we’re comfortable with ourselves the way we are, isn’t that all that matters? Yet, we still find ourselves buying those short skirts that always give us a wedgie, or that shirt you got lots of compliments on, but was too low-cut for your taste.

That’s why, I’ve just decided to stop trying. I made this decision subconsciously  in March, but consciously, I made it this summer. I’m just going to get what I like, like that tutu I got from Hot Topic.  And, I’m just going to wear what I like, like that zebra tie I wore on the first day of school. People can laugh and point all they want, but I won’t let it bother me. They don’t have to like my style. My style is who I am and I’m not going to wear something I don’t want.Now, I’m not saying I don’t have those freak out moments where I panic if someone doesn’t like my huge polka dot bow I wore, or my bright neon green skinny jeans, but since I’ve stopped caring what others thought of me, those moments have happened less and less. 

You’re probably saying “That’s great for you, but I could never pull that off. That’s just not my style.” Well, who’s deciding what your style is? Maybe you don’t want to wear that stuff that’s just out there, like I do, but maybe instead of wearing those 4 inch high heels that you’re always tripping in, wear your sneakers. Or instead of wearing those jeans that you think your thighs look HUGE in, wear sweatpants. As long as you’re comfortable in what you’re wearing, don’t pay attention to what others say. As cliche as that sounds, it’s true. Don’t let others define you as the preppy girl or the punk girl or the girl who always wears low cut shirts and mini skirts. Become YOU. You’d be surprised at how much more confident you’re feel.


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