
Boys in the Army

July 18, 2008

This summer, my boyfriend left for Fort Leonard Wood, an army base in Missouri about three hours away from me. Although the experience has been quite different for me, it has also been very rewarding in many ways.  Sending or receiving a simple text message to say “hey” or “goodnight” was not an option for more than a month. Instead, I feel like a little kid waiting for the ice cream truck to get to my street, or for the mailman to see if he’s bringing me a letter.

He comes home in 28 days, and he’s been gone for three months, so it will be really exciting when he gets home. The Army has changed him for the better. Before he left, he wasn’t that interested in religion and not that outspoken about his feelings. I feel like I’ve become a stronger person as well. Now I know firsthand that distance makes the heart grow fonder. If you haven’t seen Army Wives on Lifetime, you should check it out. Whether you know a lot about the U.S. Army or only a little, it serves as another great example of how strong women really are in the world!


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