
College Survival Tips: Freshman Year

September 22, 2008

college-girlHi Dreamers!

It’s been too long since I’ve taken time to write a post. I’ve been really busy submerging into college life at full speed. I’m hoping that once things slow down a bit, I will be able to update you all more frequently.

So here’s what’s been going on:
I moved into the dorms at Webster University less than a month ago. Let me tell you, move-in day is crazy. Make sure you buy everything you need beforehand because the time you thought you would have to do it disappears fast! It was nice because the students leading our orientation moved in all of my stuff and I didn’t have to lift a finger! How cool is that? Then, my roommate and I spent a good chunk of time finishing our room and getting ready for classes the following Monday.

I’ve been doing my best to get super involved around campus. I want to meet new people and help support groups that were formed last year. Webster University has a ONE campaign, which is working toward getting 1% of federal funding to solve global poverty. Also, there is a Student Board of Directors for Dining Services that acts as the means of communication between the student body and administration concerning food options, locations and other ideas related to Dining Services.

I also have two jobs on campus, which helps me earn money to put toward tuition. One of the Jobs I have is working in the Athletic Department doing various clerical tasks ands projects. My other job is working at the front desk of my dorm. I check student IDs as students come through after a certain time of day, and sign guests in. It’s a great way to meet more people and pay off tuition. Also, most jobs on campus allow you to do homework when you aren’t busy.

So between being involved in school and working, I am happy to report that my classes have been nothing less than amazing. I am learning a lot about different ways to think and approach different assignments. Yes, a couple classes are a bit challenging, but I’ve learned to cope with them and ask questions.

So far, college has been an awesome experience. There are a lot of things to learn while I’m here, and I can’t wait to keep stumbling across them. If your transition isn’t going as smoothly, try talking to your Resident Assistant or an advisor or faculty member. Look for ways to get more involved or find a job around campus. A lot of colleges also have activity fairs or job fairs.

Remember that you are all beautiful. I’ll do my best to post tomorrow!
Have a great afternoon!


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