
Back to School Tips: How To Use a Planner to Stay Organized

August 4, 2010

Staying organized is very important especially with the scho0l year starting up. Obviously each of us has our own amount of work load since many of us are different ages. But it all boils down to one thing,to stay sane during the school year, you’re going to need some sort of organization skill. Ever since middle school I have used a planner, it really helps me remember things and stay sane.

Most might just think this is for you to write your homework down but that is where you are wrong. I use mine almost as much as I use a computer or my phone. I keep track of homework, my work schedule, meetings, doctor appointments and anything else that comes up. I also write down little things I need to do (such as the dishes and vacuum) to keep from getting in trouble from my parents. I highly suggest you use a planner and if you choose to do so, make sure to keep up on it every day and look at it.

I promise it will help you stay sane and keep from saying the words in your head, “I forgot to do __.” When you are picking up your school supplies grab yourself a cute planner too.


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