
Back-to-School Series Tip 2

August 12, 2008

Tip 2: Learn from last year.

In order to have your best year yet, take a peek at last year. What habits worked really well? Where did you achieve the biggest success? How did you do it? In what areas did you fail, and what did you learn from those experiences?

Based on your answers, examine the goals you set for yourself in Tip 1. Take what you learned here and apply it to your goals for this year. Make sure you don’t get hung up on past mistakes. The most successful people make lots of mistakes. It’s important to see them as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Just learn from them and move on!


One Response to “Back-to-School Series Tip 2”

  1. Erica on August 24th, 2008 8:37 pm

    You are right on point about the importance of learing from your experiences. Successful people learn from their mistakes. I will definatly learn from what I did wrong last year. That’s how I live life! I take each day one step at a time and observe each decision I’ve made in order to better myself at the end of the day. I also try to take my own advice and carry it on for the rest of my life.

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