
Am I Cool if I Don’t Have a Boyfriend?

March 9, 2008

cruisinDo you believe you’re still cool if you don’t have a boyfriend?

This is so important to believe, because if you feel that you must have a boyfriend to be cool, then you will either date the wrong guy in hopes of being cool or feel miserable because the right guy hasn’t come along.

This sets you up for failure from the beginning! Remind yourself often that you really don’t need to have a boyfriend to be cool or to be loved.

The relationship starts with you. Develop yourself first. Figure out what you love to do and the right person will come around at the right time. For example, do you like to play soccer? Paint? Dance? Sing? What are your special talents?


One Response to “Am I Cool if I Don’t Have a Boyfriend?”

  1. Sarah on March 10th, 2008 2:40 am

    I totally agree! if you don’t have a boyfriend, you are DEFINITELY still cool! Being “cool” is just being confident, and you can definitely be confident without a guy in your life! Now is the time to be young and have fun with your friends (who love you more than any guy will right now anyway), and then maybe the right guy will come along.

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