
New Year, New You?

January 6, 2010

footI love the start of the new year because it gives us time to reflect on the past year and how we want to move forward.  This year is especially different, because you could even look at it from a decade perspective.  As you enter 2010, a new year, a new decade, and maybe even a new you, I thought I’d share a few exercises and questions you might want to have fun with.  Grab a journal or just take a little time to think about it! 

  • Create a vision board of dreams.  Take out magazines and find pictures or words of what an ideal 2010 looks like.  Think about different areas of your life from friends, school, family, activities, self esteem, etc…
  • What went really well in 2009?  What do you want to repeat?
  • What was the biggest challenge in 2009?  How did you deal with it?  What was the biggest lesson?
  • How have you let yourself dream big?  Where have you squelched your dreams?
  • If  money, time, and fear weren’t an issue, what would you want to do?
  • Who are your biggest supporters?  How can you surround yourself with people who build you up?
  • If you had to summarize your intention for 2010, in one word, what would it be?

Rumor: Was It Something You Heard?

January 6, 2010

Lately, I’ve had to deal with gossip and girls talking about me in and out of school.  The most suprising part is that my friends were the ones talking about me. Today I realized that even though people are talking about me, I can’t shut them out of my life from what I HEAR.

Aren’t you just as bad if you stop becoming friends with someone because you HEAR they talk bad about you?  Maybe they didn’t really say something bad about you.  Before jumping to conclusions, find out the facts.

We can’t let gossip run our lives, especially interfere with real friendships.

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