
Did You Know it’s V-Day?

April 11, 2008

About 10 years ago, an amazing movement began in order to end violence against women and children all over the world. It’s called the V-Day Movement which is being celebrated in New Orleans today and tomorrow.

The media has recently featured many stories of women involved in acts of violence. There was footage of an attack against a teacher and a bunch of cheerleaders who ganged up on one girl, to name a few. These acts serve as important reminders of how violence continues to run rampant in our society. Read more

Eating Well Made Easy

April 10, 2008

fruitHere are a few ways to be healthier, and they’re simple so anyone can give them a try!

One of my friends gave me this tip: We all love chips, right? Well, instead of getting the big bags and eating the whole thing when we’re curled up on the couch, get the small bags so you’ll just stop eating when you’re done with the bag.

Try not to drink as much soda. When someone offers you a Mountain Dew, take water instead. You can even go for flavored water if plain water is too boring for you.

Go to Subway instead of McDonald’s. For a limited time, you can get a foot long sub for $5. Eat one half right away, and save the rest for later. Then you get two meals for $5, and you also spread out the calories. How awesome!

Eat slowly, and only eat until you’re full. When you eat slowly, your body has more time to catch up and let you know that you’re full. It’s a good habit to get yourself into.

Cut back on snacks, and switch to healthy options. Instead of having four cookies, for example, try going down to just three. Also, instead of going to the vending machine for a snack every day, bring fruit from home. You’ll also save money this way.

Surround yourself with healthy options instead of junk food. My dad always buys grapes and puts them in a bowl in the fridge. I always open the fridge and pantry, even if I’m not hungry, so it’s good to have something healthy to grab.

Cat Fights on YouTube

April 9, 2008

Have you heard about this? I turned on the TV today and saw the latest in sick teen videos. Basically, a group of cheerleaders decided to film their way to fame by physically attacking and beating up another girl for 30 minutes. At one point she was even knocked unconscious. What the heck is going on?

I know that we have continued to become desensitized to violence in media and our culture, but when is it going to stop? What is it going to take for it to stop? What is sad to me is that bullying and violence like this happen every day in our schools, backyards, and communities. What is even more disturbing is that now we are planning and posting these things to video internet sites.

As young girls, when are we going to stop hurting one another with our words and fists? When are we going to figure out that we have more power when we work together rather than try to bring each other down?

I would love to know your thoughts about this topic. How much violence do you see among girls, verbally or physically? What is it going to take to stop this? What can we do here at Girls With Dreams?

Getting in Shape for Prom: Part III

April 8, 2008

So after working with my trainer for a couple weeks I have come to realize how much he has helped me lose weight. So my next suggestion would be to get some help with your workout.

You don’t necessarily need to pay for an expensive trainer, just find someone who knows about exercising like a family member or a gym teacher. Ask them for a few tips and maybe even a full work out for you to do.

Also, bring a friend along to make sure you work hard. Once you have this routing along with someone to help you, your workout will be so much better.

20 Ways to Save for Earth Day

April 3, 2008

As we all know, Earth Day is coming up and there are plenty of ways to save the Earth on a daily basis. Here are a few ideas my friends and I came up with:

1. Reuse gift bags you receive instead of buying new ones.

2. Use utensils that can be washed instead of using disposable utensils.

3. Unplug your computer and other electronics when you’re not using them.

4. Buy a laptop instead of a desktop computer because it uses less energy.

5. Carpool or use public transportation.

6. Replace your light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs.

7. Plant a tree.

8. Clean the lint filter in your dryer before each use so it will run as efficiently as possible.

9. Better yet, hang your clothes to dry them instead of using the dryer.

10. Print documents double-sided if possible.

11. Turn off the lights or any electronics when you leave the room.

12. Recycle!

13. Instead of buying bottled water, buy a BPA-free reusable water bottle and fill it with filtered water.

14. When it’s cold out, place a rolled up towel in front of your door to keep cold air from coming in or warm air from escaping.

15. Use rechargeable batteries. Disposable batteries can leak toxins into the ground.

16. Replace your shower head with one that saves water.

17. Use your towel more than once rather than washing it after each use.

18. Use rags to clean up spills instead of paper towels and use cloth napkins instead of paper ones.

19. Instead of going through the drive-thru, park your car and go inside. It will create less pollution and you’ll save gas.

20. Turn the water off when you’re not using it instead of letting it run.

Can you think of any other easy ways to help save the earth every day?

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